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English translation for "cross functional teams"


Related Translations:
functional lumbago:  功能性腰背痛
functional aphasia:  功能性失语症官能性失语机能性失语
functional method:  单行渐进式建立火灾控制线法
functional blindness:  功能性盲机能性盲
functional product:  功能性产品
functional parallelism:  功能并行性
functional return:  功能报酬
functional corrector:  功能调节器
functional key:  功能键
functional pigment:  功能颜料
Example Sentences:
1.Direct interaction with all team members of a large cross functional team including senior management
2.Capable of working effectively with cross functional teams , e . g . manufacturing , purchasing , human resource
3.Design and testing of new displays and update of existing display platforms . work includes weekly meeting attendance with cross functional teams . requires some travel
4.As part of a cross functional team , activities will include the investigation and correction of production non - conformities , continuous improvement , reject reduction , quality monitoring and cost recovery
5.Support program managers and program director to lead cross functional teams consisting engineering and non - engineering , domestic and international team members to achieve timing and other objectives in process control of product development and product launch
Similar Words:
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